A few notes about Month 8:
1. He would stay frustrated a lot because he wanted to stand up and walk, but couldn't on his own.
2. He wanted to crawl, but could't quite get the gusto to do it.
3. He would spend a lot of time in the floor with toys and on all fours with the hopes that he would go somewhere.
4. He's gained 4 more teeth - yes 4! Two more on top and two on the bottom.
5. He eats 4 times a day and started getting little puff snacks at the end of month 8.
6. He still doesn't like peas or anything with meat in it (baby food that is).
7. He's done well with most other foods, but would make faces at mashed potatoes.
8. He's loved swim lessons, baths, showers, the 'red-neck' blow-up kiddie pool on the deck and all things water.
9. He tried a sippy cup with water, but didn't know what to do with all the water he got in his mouth so it would just run down his shirt. He basically would just chew on it.
10. He continues to love the outdoors - the porch swing, the rockers, stroller, etc.
11. He loves books and has a few favorites: 'Hatch' by Charles Reasoner, 'Goodnight Moon' by Margret Wise Brown (both being favorites since 5 months.) and a new book he got, 'Bee and Me' by Elle J. Mcguinness (an Animotion book).
12. A new night time routine started with his 'slug' night lights and Egg night light (it creates little bird reflections around the room). He will play with them a little when the lights go out and then we tell them good night as they go on their stand and lights go out . . . one at time.
13. He has still enjoyed his musical sun on his crib and we still play it just before we lay him down for the night.
14. He often falls asleep at his last feeding at night, but will wake up as soon as he hits the mattress and will let out this cry that is just heart breaking. He literally runs out of breath and you have to wait to hear him inhale. A few of those and then sudden silence as quickly falls asleep.
15. He plays 'peek-a-boo' with Mom in the mornings when Dad would go get him out of his crib and bring him to me to eat.
awwwww! i love it. see if serif will like real peas, whole or mashed (he may not be ready for that texture but you can refine it/puree it). the gerber kind can be too flavorless. evan loves real peas but not the gerber ones so we don't bother. he LOVES garden vegitables though and it's a mix. So happy he eats puffs now! what a big boy! ;) Evan did the same with sippy cup. lol. he's getting more used to water but now out of a cup yet. he he. anyway, love the pic and the update. sorry walking/crawling is so frustrating but i am so confident he will be doing it soon! ;) he he.
ella was the same way with mashed potatoes, she made horrendous faces when we first tried it and now at 2 still does NOT like them! (she also still doesn't like meat, really at all...but the pedi says its ok at this age!) ella loved the bee & me book that you all shared with her, thank you! i can't believe how quickly these last 8 months have gone for serif, that photo really makes him look like SUCH a big boy! i miss you all and loveu! mare
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