Sunday, August 30, 2009

10 Months Today!

The boy's 10 months old today! I mentioned this earlier in the week, that he would be 10 months on Sunday, but once today hit, it totally escaped me! Jeff told me this afternoon and it shocked me how quickly this week went! Once I realized today was the day, I had to take a few pictures. These were the best of the bunch.

Serif enjoys Helmut most of the time. He also loves the outdoors. He will crawl to the back door, pull up and stand gazing out the back. This time he got to welcome Helmut back to the door. He was so funny. He kept banging the glass with his hands with an occasional squawk of excitement. A little while later we packed him up in the stroller and went for a stroll. It was SO nice out today. There was even a little coolness in the air tonight that I almost grabbed a light sweater. It makes us look forward to fall.

We've discovered that a lot of month 9 has been fussy. We're not sure all the reasons, but it's been a little tough. He was actually in a great mood today and the fussiness was minimal. Perhaps this is a forward look for month 10 . . . hopefully.

1 comment:

Lila said...

happy 10months serif!!! ;) here's to an unfussy month! ;) LOVE your picture with helmut. xoxo