Monday, August 10, 2009

9 Month Check-Up

Today was Serif's 9 month well visit to Dr. Ladd. Things went really well, but Serif had a hard time clearing his tears from the 2 shots and finger prick. I guess the main thing that would clear him up for a minute was the shiny silver band-aid the nurse put on his finger. He did really like that.

According to the doctor, Serif's developing very well. His weight and height are starting to level out and the crazy growth spurts are starting to slow down. He's been able to wear his summer clothes really well without requiring a second wardrobe, which has been nice. Here's the stats:

Weight: 22lbs 13 oz (60th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17-1/2 inches (25th percentile)

The finger prick today was to check his iron level. Since it checked out nicely, the doctor said that we can take him off of vitamins! He would be fine to continue to take them if we want, but it's not necessary and whatever his body doesn't use, will . . . well just come out and not be absorbed. He also okayed him to start on milk if we choose. Since his iron level was okay, he said 2% or whole milk would be fine for him and he's okaying it since neither of us have had family history of food allergies. Water and juice are fine too, but juice should be limited. All foods are fine except honey, shellfish and nuts. He also said to be careful with 'choke-able's' such as steak or gummy bears. He shouldn't have that stuff quite yet. He should continue eating more than 3 times a day (typical at this age is 4-6 times a day). He said it should stay that way for a while yet.

We're going to finish out this round of Singulair that we have for him. He's got another week or so left in the pantry. We'll see how he does without it and see if he can stop the medication. If things flare up again, it may give us a better idea of what is causing his cough and labored breathing and may even look at other medication options if that's what we need to do. We should know more in September of how that's panning out.

Here are a few more photos from the morning.

This was right when we sat him up from his shots and finger pricking.
He was NOT happy!
It just broke his heart that the nurse did this to him.

Playing with the band-aid and watching it sparkle!

Serif's 1st sticker.

More tears in the car as we leave.

Such a sad face. He was so tired and worn out.

1 comment:

e, m and e j said...

aww, poor little sweet serif! the looks on his face make me want to cry too! :) loveu!