Thursday, September 10, 2009

Seaside to Nashville

Our last morning at Seaside. We had to check out of the cottage by 10am so we packed last night and loaded the car this morning. We did one final walk along the beach and then headed for breakfast at the Red Bar Restaurant. We then hit the road for the long trip home. Here are a few photos from our day.

This was the portal at the end of our street that led us to the beach everyday. When you get to the top of the steps the view opens up to a beautiful view and stairway down to the beach.

Serif loving his daddy's shoulders as we walk along the beach.

Soaking up our last moments on the beach.

The boys and the bird. (Serif was fascinated with these and the seagulls the entire trip!)

One last time of getting Serif's feet in the sand . . . and yep still the same pose.

One last family photo of the Godby Florida Vacation 2009.

Walking back to the cottage.

Bye bye sweet cottage. We will miss you!

The boy's eating breakfast at the Red Bar.

Serif fell asleep within the first 5 minutes in the car and slept for 2 hours! He did really great on the trip home with minimal fussiness. Thanks to a friend of ours, we had a dvd player with Baby Einstein videos for him. In general he didn't only focus on that, but it helped with the breaks of boredom between toys.

Watching 'Baby Noah' and chewing on his foot.

We got home around 4:30 this afternoon and unloaded the car. Serif was glad to be out of his seat and able to stretch out but seemed pretty bored. I made the comment of our house being boring to him because he was in to everything while we were down there. i guess having all new surroundings made him more curious and made his atmosphere more fun. He would play in short spurts then want one of us to pick him up. (He did not do this at the cottage). So Jeff took him out on the deck while he took down his pool and swept. He always loves it outside.

Jeff went on to his dad's and brothers to pick up the pets and I stayed home finish unpacking and to put Serif to bed. As I was in the kitchen I suddenly heard the splashing of water. I walked around the counter and here's what I found. I guess our house isn't boring after all. This is first that he's actually decided to explore the dog bowl!


e, m and e j said...

i love you all! you are just so adorable and so precious to us! the photos of the whole family on the beach are beautiful! i love the one where you can see serif's eyes over jeff's head, so cute! maybe serif will get the dog water fascination out of his system now. i just caught ella (again!) 'washing her hands' in it this weeks - i thought we were past that! :)

Halfsicilian said...

It sounds like you guys had a great trip. The photos are very cool! Serif is too cute - it looks like he had a blast!

We need to see you guys soon.

Take care!

Lila said...

eeek! i love it! and i must say that i also love the skirt you are wearing and want one. where, pray tell, did you get it? ;)
evan loves riding shoulders too! only he's learned to pull my hair out ;(. me no likie that. he he he
i can't wait for MY trip to the beach in a month! whoo hoo!