Jeff took Serif to the morning practice game Saturday and met up with his brother Don, Shannon, Corbin, Anelia and Annie. I took the opportunity to get out and do a little shopping but had the chance to meet up with them for lunch. Jeff called me after the game and said that Serif got a new teether. When I asked what it was he said he got a hockey puck from the #24 off the ice! How awesome!!!
#24 Ben Guite. (Photo of Serif and his puck still to come.)
After the game they saw that you could get free tickets to the pre-season game that night by donating blood. So, we all ate lunch at Jack's barbque and then went back to give blood. We were shocked when they gave us tickets that were only 5 rows off the ice! Jeff dropped me and the boy off at the front of the Sommet while he went to park the car. As we got out of the car, the downtown horse and buggy was passing by. Serif just watched it until it was out of sight (no photo sorry). When that was gone, he focused straight up to the sky where he was even more amazed by the swarm of birds flying around the buildings spire. He wouldn't look anywhere but up. He was glued to these birds.
Let's Go Predators!
We got to see a great fight, by Tootoo. He ended up knocking the guy out cold by knocking him down and busting his head on the ice. Ouch! It put a pause in the game for them to clean it all up and to get the guy off the ice. Wow, they get pretty rough out there (coming from a hockey new-be). What a great game. Serif got to spend a little time with everyone. He did really well the entire day. He just loves his Uncle Don and Aunt Shannon. They certainly take care of him. Uncle Don even shares his hat with him!
mmm hmm... thier 'pom poms', just like a man. LOL! he he he sorry, i couldnt' help myself. good for you for giving blood! jealous of the pregame. mike has season tickets but we stayed home this time after a big weekend. pretty sure evans gonna need a jersey this year ;)
i love seeng the side of uncle don's smiling at serif, so sweet!
mmm hmm... thier 'pom poms', just like a man. LOL! he he he sorry, i couldnt' help myself. good for you for giving blood! jealous of the pregame. mike has season tickets but we stayed home this time after a big weekend. pretty sure evans gonna need a jersey this year ;)
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