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Shopping Fun
I took Serif shopping with me today while Jeff returned some stuff to his dad's. Serif stayed in his carseat in Target, but by the time we hit Babies R Us he was ready to get out of there. I carried him in the store with me and decided to see how he would do in the front of the cart. He LOVED it! I think he thought it was a game or something at first. As I would push him rather quickly to get through the store he would do this hmmmhmm-like laugh and just grin at me. He was really enjoying looking at everything from this new perspective. He just kept checking everything out. I was really proud of him for doing so well. Only once did he try to eat he cart (yuck!), but I caught him. He was in a really good mood today and I think it must have felt good to him to get out for a little bit.
It's so amazing to see how much he's growing. It's times like this when I go to record something that I realize that much more how quickly this is all going. I'm enjoying every minute of it though and absorbing as much as I can.
he is sooooooooooooo cute! i love how happy he looks in this photo. one of my favorite things about being a parent it watching ella take great joy in small stuff! :)
Awhhh....what a cheerful, adorable little face for you to look at while you shop. I bet he felt like such a big boy riding in the cart like that. How fun! I love his colorful shirt and socks:)
Michelle! It's Whitney, the intern from last year! I can't believe how much that little guy has grown! I remember seeing him when he was just weeks old! He's adorable, and I know you guys are having so much fun! Take care!
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