Tuesday Serif had his regular well visit check-up. All went well and he was in a really great mood. Not sleepy at all this time. He did great with the 'squirt in the mouth' medicine this time. The nurse said it tastes like sugar water. Not sure why he wigged out on it in the past unless he just didn't like the idea of being made to take it. He wanted to hold it and suck on it this time. Everything's going to the mouth these days.

Weight: 21 lbs 9 oz (97th percentile)
Height: 27 - 1/2" (80th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17" (25th percentile)
Most of our questions this visit was on the subject of food. Last week I called the Doctor to see what the next step would be on feeding him because 2 servings of cereal at bedtime (plus milk) just didn't seem to fill him up completely. He said to go ahead and start him on food 3 times a day. Now up that point I was only giving him milk during the day and cereal at night. This was a big adjustment, but Serif LOVED the food and took to it like a charm. I was very proud of him. He started with squash then carrots then sweet potatoes. The doctor said to start with yellow, then orange then green then fruit. All the change sortof of made it a little tougher on his digestive system so we ended up starting the fruit before the greens. I guess he'll try some peas this weekend.
During the visit he continued to tell us that stage 1 and 2 babyfoods are fine for him. He even told us that our food is okay as long as it's not a 'choke-able'. I asked him what to expect within the next 3 months before we come back for his 9 month check-up. He described it as follows:
6 months - (food like canned vegetables) - smash 3 times with the bottom of a skillet. (and Stage 2 food)
7 months - smash 2 times . . . (and Stage 3 food)
8 months - smash 1 time . . . (and Stage 3 chunky food)
9 months - he should be able to eat whole peas!
Jeff was very excited about this. He's always trying to feed him our food and I've been much more reserved with all of that. The doctor said the things NOT to give him are nuts, honey and things like steak that he could potentially choke on. The only time we should give juice is if he's, hmmm . . . a good way to put this . . . a little backed up? He also said that eating 4-6 times a day will continue to be normal through the next visit. Since starting food, he's been eating every 4 hours rather than 3. It's amazing the difference in your day when you're not tied to that tight of a schedule. I guess he's eating 4-5 times a day now.
Here's the photo of Jeff and Serif at the end of the visit.

Wow - Serif is growing and eating like a big kid (almost). Exciting stuff! We need to get the boys together again soon (not that they'll notice each other yet, but still...).
Sorry to hear that work has been stressful. I'll keep you in my prayers that things get better.
I can't wait to see some pics of Serif at the doc.
Praise the Lord that serif's murmur has healed! such blessed news. I am so excited about his growth and the fact that the little guy is on food. You are wonderful parents and he is thriving. Michelle, I am praying about the work situation. Love you all so much.
so excited that your sweet serif is so healthy! and so thankful that God healed his murmur! yea! i will pray for your work situation michelle. miss you all
ok, i have to say....i'm dying for some photos of sweet sweet serif! :)
oh my!!!!! the second to the last one is my ABSOLUTE favorite. so perfect! i love the looks on your faces, great!
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