Sunday night we went to see Riders In The Sky. They were kicking off a summer concert series at a little amphitheatre in Crockett Park in Brentwood. We met up with our friends William, Karla and Fox and brought a picnic dinner and blankets. It was perfect weather and felt so nice to be able to take Serif to his first concert (with the exception of all those I went to while I was pregnant with him. hehehe). Anyways, the concert was a lot of fun and there were lots of kids there in their cowboy boots, hats and 'get-up'. It was so fun to watch the kids go down the hill and to the stage where they would all dance around foot loose and fancy free. It made us look forward to getting to watch Serif run down the hill to enjoy a little dance with the band. He's already got his boots, we'll have to get him a hat! HeeHeeHee, he'll be our little Buckaroo!
About half way through the show Jeff looks at me and says, 'This is what heaven's going to be like'. I smiled and laughed a little and thought how cool of a thought that is. He always makes me think and always has these clever little thoughts to share . . . one of the things I love about him most.
so absoultely wonderful! just when i saw the photo of serif & michelle I thought he looked like his mommy, then i saw the one of him & jeff and he looks like his daddy! i guess he's just the perfect combination - so sweet!
miss you guys!
I love all the pictures at the outdoor concert. You can tell that you spend "quality" time with him, he seems happy wherever he is....that makes for a hip kid.
He's so cute!.
Debbie Carter
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