Serif's been trying to roll over for the past month. Last week when I would put him down in his bed for the night he immediately rolled to his side and went back to sleep. It was a moment to remember for me because before now he would always just raise his little arms (like Cornholio) and turn his head to the side and fall asleep. So this was a completely new thing for him.Last Saturday he was on our bed and he rolled all the way over to his belly. He's finally made it all the way over! Then at daycare, they told me he was starting to do it a lot. I've caught him doing it a few other times this week too. Today when we got home from work and daycare, I tried to put him down for a nap. When I went to check on him he was like this. He is getting stronger and stronger with it. I got him up and played with him and then tried again later. He didn't act like he was going to fall asleep right away once he hit the bed so I turned on his little light-up musical sun . . . again. He loves watching it and you can see his eyes follow the flashing colored lights as they move to the music. Well, I guess he was just more in the mood to play with that than sleep. He stayed on his side playing with it for a minute or so and then flipped on over to his belly. One thing he hasn't learned yet however is getting himself back over to his back. So he makes some noise to let me know he needs me to come rescue him. I'm hoping this isn't going to be a nightly routine . . . I guess we'll see soon enough.
yea serif! you are the man! ;) i am very impressed with your turning and soon i know you will be going back and forth, no problem. also, you are so cute!
yea serif! you are the man! ;) i am very impressed with your turning and soon i know you will be going back and forth, no problem.
also, you are so cute!
have i mentioned lately what a handsome boy you have! i just want to kiss his cheeks over and over and over and over....
YAY Serif! Won't be long now before you are chasing him. lol.
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