Tuesday, December 30, 2008

what the heck?

we've got a $5 starbucks gift card for the person with the best caption for this photo. e mail submissions are also accepted. have fun!



sorry it's taken us so long to post the winner. the entries have been fun, but we can only have 1 winner. that being said, the winner is . . . COWPATTY!!!! congrats Caleb! we'll be seeing you in a couple weeks and we'll have your gift card ready for you! great quotes everyone - thanks for participating!


Aaron said...
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Aaron said...

How about,

The rare, multi-colored tickle monster descends upon its next victim, Serif Godby (age 7 weeks), who prepares to defend himself with his lethal left hook."

lovely dear juanita said...

I got a caption:
‘Helmut, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore...’
(admittedly, I’m not that witty when it comes to words =)

(Stephanie Gamble's e mail)

lovely dear juanita said...

I like "bring it fuzz ball" for my submission.

- e mailed by Brian Smith (ESa)

lovely dear juanita said...

"Serif the Spectacular enjoyed crime-fighting from an early age"

e mailed by Erin Patton
(from water aerobics class)

Anonymous said...

It would appear that my shiny yellow throwing horn is powerless against you... I'll try punching next.