Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Traveling Mercies

so michelle is traveling tonight (should be home soon) and it got me to thinking. she'll go back to work when the little guy (or gal) is a few months old and as she gets back into the swing of things i'm sure there are going to be more travels where she'll have to be gone for a night or two. i can't help but to wonder, with anticipation i might add, what those nights are going to be like. just me and the little one. don't get me wrong, i love having michelle around here but i'm gonna look forward to those daddy-baby bonding times.

now i saw this as one who can count on one hand, no make that two fingers, the number of babies/infants i have held in my life. so with that anticipation comes a bit of anxiety.

as i think this through a bit more, who am i kidding, michelle leave me and the baby alone? maybe if i collect enough of your phone numbers you can be my emergency contacts?


1 comment:

dave said...

haha ,It will come to you quicker than you think. By the time she goes back to work ,you'll be ready. Glad all is well .