Monday, May 12, 2008

go to church. have a baby. stay warm.

it's interesting to me how god can use two separate things to get my attention and draw me closer to him. for those of you who are believers, you know that feeling when you know you've drifted away from god ever so slightly? not too far really, but his radiance and warmth aren't quite as intense as they have been. like when the day starts to turn to dusk and you need a jacket to keep the chill off. when i get chilly i know i've drifted away from god ever so slightly. we all get that way, we all drift away. and we all need to get warm again.

i've felt like a drifter recently. we have missed the past two weeks at church, one week was just pure laziness, the next we were out of town. yesterday we went back and i felt good and warm again. being with our church family, feels right. i can feel pretty crappy sunday before service and pretty fine after and the old explanation is god. i've taken a step closer and can feel him more. church helps knock the chill off.

today we had another appointment with the doctor to check on the baby. (he/she is doing fine by the way. michelle will post on that in a little bit.) i know these appointments are really for momma and baby but they serve me pretty well too. i always seem to have taken a step or two away from god when we go to the doctor. heck, who am i kidding, i take a step a day it seems like. these appointments, however, do me good. i see god forming a little person in michelle's belly. and it's not just any person, it's OUR person, our son or daughter. god's given us this little person to take care of, to raise, to teach, to maybe help make this big ole ball we call earth a better place (or at least our small part of it). with that in mind, it's really hard to drift away from god. i want to stay close to him, i need to stay close to him.

so after a sunday back in church and an ultrasound where we got to see a happy baby kicking around, i'm feeling pretty warm again.

til next time, stay warm.


gerrie said...
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gerrie said...

I find it truly amazing how much God loves us and teaches us through our children. It is starting now, but will continue the rest of your lives. Many questions asked are answered when you look at your child. You'll see.